XAGRO receives Exporter of the Year award

March 12th 2012 -
Nicaragua: At the 'Exporter of the Year 2011' awards ceremony in Managua, XAGRO S.A. was awarded the coveted 'Exportador Revelacion 2011' award.

The Asociacion de Productores y Exportadpres de Nicaragua (APEN) held their annual Exporter of the Year awards at the Hotel Intercontinental Metrocentro in Managua on March 9th 2011.

In attendance were members of the Government, dignitaries, exporters from throughout the Country, and of course the press.

"We are very honored to receive this award and the recognition from our peers" stated Mirna Gonzalez, President of XAGRO at the ceremony. 2011 was XAGRO's first full year of exporting fresh cassava, malanga lila, and coconuts from Nicaragua.

Exporter of the Year

Exporter Of The Year 2011
Mirna Gonzalez, President of XAGRO, received the prestigious "Exportador Revelacion 2011" award from the Association de Productores y Exportadores de Nicaragua.

About XAGRO S.A.: XAGRO is an exporter of fresh produce from Nicaragua with products being sold to importers, brokers, institutional buyers, and large grocery chains in the United States, Canada, and Europe. XAGRO is owned by American and Nicaraguan stockholders and is based in Nueva Guinea, Nicaragua. For more information visit: www.xagrosa.com

Contact us: info@xagrosa.com for more information.
U.S. Phone: 305-359-4565 - U.S. Fax: 305-890-2927 - Intl Phone: +505 8993-4549